Rope Robotics får ny Direktør

Efter 4 år som medgrundlægger og CEO for Rope Robotics har Hans Laurberg valgt at stoppe i Rope Robotics den 11. marts 2020.
”Rope Robotics er en fantastisk spændende virksomhed, og arbejdet har fyldt hele min vågne tid de sidste 4 år. Jeg har den sidste tid fået et ønske om, at der skal være plads til andre ting i mit liv, og da det samtidig passer med, at firmaet skal ind i en ny fase, har jeg valgt at stoppe som CEO”, fortæller Hans Laurberg.
Selskabet har siden sin start fokuseret på at udvikle en robotløsning til reparation af vingeforkanter, hvor det ikke længere nødvendiggør, at teknikere skal hænge i reb for at reparere vindmøllevinger.
Martin Huus Bjerge, der er den anden grundlægger af Rope Robotics, overtager posten som CEO med virkning fra den 27. februar 2020.
After 4 years as co-founder and CEO for Rope Robotics, Hans Lauberg has chosen to stop the 11th of March 2020.
“Rope Robotics is an incredible and exciting company, and the job has been a part of my everyday life the last 4 years. I have gained a wish, lately, that I can fit other things into my life, and because of the new phase the company is entering, I have chosen to stop as the CEO of Rope Robotics”, says Hans Laurberg.
The company has since the beginning focused on developing a robotic solution to repair the leading edge of wind turbine blades. The idea of the solution is to avoid necessitating rope technicians to repair wind turbine blades by working in heights(, but instead working safely from the ground).
Martin Huus Bjerge, which is the other co-founder of Rope Robotics, will replace Hans Laurberg and become the CEO with effect from the 27th of February 2020.
Rope Robotics – Lokesvej 4
8230 Åbyhøj – Denmark
CVR: DK37592021
Phone: +45 53 660 900
General terms and conditions of sale